Downtown Development Partnership

The Great Falls Downtown Development Partnership (DDP) is a Montana nonprofit, registered as a 501-c-3 with the IRS. The DDP works in Downtown Great Falls to:

The mission of the Downtown Development Partnership is to be the catalyst bringing together our community to revitalize Downtown Great Falls

  • Promote, stimulate and effect community and economic development;
  • Forge alliances that recruit new businesses and development;
  • Provide access to financing to support development;
  • Support the implementation of the City’s Downtown Master Plan; and
  • Cooperate with other organizations to support Downtown development in Great Falls and throughout the State of Montana.

Some of the more recent projects that the DDP has contributed to are the installation of the Traffic Signal Box art work and the Great Falls Wayfinding Plan.


It is a member organization with an active Board of Directors and it follows the national Main Street model, with the four national Main Street committees: Organization (DDP), Promotion (DGFA), Design (BID) and Economic Vitality (GFDA). Non-members are welcome to serve on the DDP committees. The DDP Board meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at 9:00 a.m. at NeighborWorks Great Falls, 509 – 1st Ave S.


There are eleven permanent members of the DDP, including the Downtown Great Falls Association, the Business Improvement District, the Great Falls Development Authority, the City’s Neighborhood Council #7, the City of Great Falls Parking Commission, the City of Great Falls, Cascade County, the City’s City-County Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, Great Falls School District #1, and NeighborWorks Great Falls. The four other At-Large board members are elected from the membership.

Downtown Safety Alliance: Subcommittee of DDP created to address downtown safety and public safety concerns.

DDP Board of Directors

Chair – Sherrie Arey, NWGF

Vice-Chair – Celeste Constancio, DGFA

Secretary – Kellie Pierce, BID

Treasurer – Brett Doney, GFDA

Open position, City

Charity Yonker, County

Garry Hackett, At-Large

Jane Weber, At-Large

Katie Hanning, Parking

Open position, NC #7

Melissa Smith, At-Large

Samantha Houston, At-Large

Samantha Long, HPAC

Shane Etzwiler, Chamber

Carol Bronson, At-Large

Thomas Moore, GFPS